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      2014-06-06 11:12:15




          曾经不断有怀着希望的种子,像1980年前后的马德生、王克平、黄锐、芒克、阿城、栗宪庭、冯国东、毛栗子、严力、李爽、艾未未、黑大春等等等等…他们中有些人,不断地撞击,撞得头破血流;有些人,在不断的伤痛和失败后,远走它乡,逐水草而居了。另有些, 以柔弱、有限的生命相持着,无法取胜,也无路可退。
















          HeiYue •Ji Shengli

          The texture of the world is always changing with the changing of the times. The world is rich and varied, but we traverse it at a crawl. So the world in which we find ourselves is always different. There are worlds of stone or water, lime or primeval forest, or different textures mixed together. Some combinations are beneficial, like sunlight and air and water that let us breathe and grow. Some are suffocating, like lime and water, which sooner or later harden into concrete.

          No one knows when water and lime were first combines. In the beginning, the mixture seemed benign, like warm soymilk or porridge, spreading through the veins of the world with a rush of pleasure. Later, as the water was absorbed and dried up, the world congealed until it was like concrete, a texture as unforgiving as armor plate.

          Why can’t people live according to their dreams? Why do ideas have to be channeled by rules, instead of being free to take wing?

          There have always been seeds of hope in the world of concrete. In the late 1970s and early 1980s there were Ma Desheng, Wang Keping, Huang Rui, Mang Ke, A'Cheng, Li Xianting, Feng Guodong, Mao Lizi, Yan Li, Li shuang, Ai Weiwei, Hei Dachun, and others. Some of them never stopped flailing out, until finally they were battered bloody. Some fled the pain of constant failure, drifting off in pursuit of their dreams. And some used their fragile and limited life force to keep each other going, with no success in sight and no way back.

          And then came Cui jian and Wang Shuo ……

          By the late 1980s and early 1990s, the concrete had hardened into an unrelenting grip. But still there were seeds of resistance, seeking cracks in the world where they could make new lives. Gradually these artists, dreamers, and visionaries started to congregate, first by chance and then by choice, in the old village around the ancient Winter Palace in Beijing. This organic gathering eventually became the Yuanmingyuan Artists Village. Some of its dwellers were tireless pioneers and some outspoken dropouts; some were born with a silver spoon in their mouths and others were the dregs of society; and some spent their time drinking and fighting……

          They certainly weren’t birds of a feather, but they all ended up in the same nest. Despite their differences, they took flight together, like a flock of variegated birds or a sky full of multicolored kites.

          Yuanmingyuan started out as a hairline crack in the concrete world. As more and more people came together, the crack widened under the force of their vision. As they created new realities, a second and third crack appeared. Chunks started to break off from the slab of concrete and crumble into dust, and the seeds gave birth to impossible dreams.

          Yuanmingyuan Artists Village was a hotbed of incendiary art, the only one of its time. Its list of residents is long and illustrious. At its height, several hundred people lived there. Among them were Yi Ling, Chen Yiqing, Lu Lin, Yan Zhengxue, Li Xinghui, Yue Minjun, Yang Shaobin, Tian Bin, Liu Yan, Wang Qiang, Yang Maoyuan, Mo Gen, Zhang Qiuren, Xu Yihui, and Chi Nai..... as well as Hei Yue •Ji Shengli.

          A visionary’s concerns are nothing like the surface consideration that characterize today’s commercial world. For instance, car makers ask certain questions: How firm should the seat be to attract buyers? What pattern of tread looks best? What size steering wheel is appropriate for Asian drivers? Which design is the most visually striking?

          But a visionary has just one question: If you entrust your body to this alien metal construct, will you get it back in one piece?

          The world of unyielding concrete has no wish to become fertile soil for weeds. It uses all of its force to attack the seeds and fling them far far away. But the seeds have already put down roots and sent up shoots; their unattainable dreams become a burgeoning living thing that can’t be stopped……

          An overwhelming force tried to pulverize the dreams of seeds, but succeeded only in crushing itself. And the once stifled world slowly started to draw breath.

          Some of us were too old or too young to have participated in this piece of our history. Hei Yue•Ji Shengli and his cohorts consider themselves lucky to have lived in those times.

          We may bemoan the fact that we missed out on that ride. But we realize that every new era has its visionaries, as well as its poseurs who live only to embellish.

          When people create exceptional art, we celebrate them with flowers and applause. But what can we give those who changed the texture of our world?

          Art is no more than a parasite in the artist’s body, a life-sucking disease, the shit that the body strains to excrete. Art only has value when life has meaning. True art is like the teeming life of the Amazon rainforest, compared to the slabs of concrete that surround us, gilded with paint and hailed as a greenbelt.

          Fang Ljjun

          Spring 2007

          出处:《HEIYUE •JISHENGLI》2007,第123页。

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